Bankroll Management and Staking Plan, Might be the two most important factors for a sustainable betting career. Most of us who are new to the betting industry usually get carried away seeing big winning slips and the excitement of winning big and getting rich in one day.


When it comes to sustaining the betting market, Picking a winning bet, and Managing your bankroll is equally important. When you join our service, it’s our duty to pick the winning bets also by maintaining the staking strategy where we can sustain in the longer run. But the most important part is making yourself disciplined with the staking strategy we are suggesting with the tips.

What is Bankroll?

It’s simple, the “Capital” you are maintaining to invest regularly in the betting market. To put it in layman’s term, It’s your account balance you are maintaining in your betting account.  


What is a “Unit”?

A unit in the percentage of bankroll/money you are using/staking per bet. We suggest that 1 unit should be equal to 2% of your bankroll. So if you have a balance of $100 in your betting account, your 1 unit stake should be 2% of $100 which is $2.00. We always recommend you start with a 100 unit bank balance but we do understand it’s not always possible for you. 80 unit bankroll should be the lowest you should maintain. 

Please remember, You can’t get rich in a few days with betting. It’s just a myth and happens to hardly 0.001% of the bettors. If you chase like that then you’ll just end up being bankrupt. It’s a long term game, long term investment. You’ll lose, You’ll win but it all counts what the end result is in the longer-term. 


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